
迈克尔边境 ' 11 D.D.S.


毫无疑问, 芒特大学最大的优势是能够为学生提供优秀的教师导师. Between Mount's smaller class sizes and the greater flexibility students enjoy in choosing courses within their major that most closely align with their interests, Mount Union facilitates the pairing of students with faculty who can truly relate to their students on a personal level.


B.S. 生物化学

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons cover a wide spectrum of corrective and cosmetic surgery including head and neck cancer, 颌骨矫正手术, 唇腭裂和颅面手术, 创伤性面部损伤的治疗, 面部整容手术, 植牙及智齿拔除.


从我踏入芒特大学校园的那一刻起, 教员和管理人员的真诚给我留下了深刻印象, 以及他们对每个学生的成长和成熟的集体投入. I was looking for a campus community that would be able to provide the tools and opportunities for me to explore my potential and challenge myself as a student, 而芒特真的超越了这些期望. 无论是和我的导师一对一的交流, group discussions in one of my many seminar courses or speaking with visiting lecturers regarding issues currently being faced in their respective fields, 作为一名学生,芒特从未停止拓宽我的视野,培养我的成熟.


毫无疑问, 芒特大学最大的优势是能够为学生提供优秀的教师导师. Between Mount’s smaller class sizes and the greater flexibility students enjoy in choosing courses within their major that most closely align with their interests, Mount Union facilitates the pairing of students with faculty who can truly relate to their students on a personal level. It is this greater connection that students feel with their instructors that helps to solidify a mentoring relationship that, 最终, 证明了宝贵的. 这些导师最大的特点是蒙特学院师资的深度和广度, 他们不仅在职业兴趣和学术追求方面为学生树立了非凡的榜样, 也为学生们提供了真正的领导力和服务的真诚例子.


从我进入校园的第一天起. 杰弗里·斯考特, 在芒特大学期间,黛布拉·博伊德-金博尔和斯科特·梅森很快成为了我长久的导师. Dr. 作为一名学生,驱动力一直是我的鼓励和挑战的源泉, 帮助我建立独立的研究工作,同时促进我的职业追求. Dr. Boyd-Kimball served as a pivotal mentor for me as a biochemistry major and embraced my insatiable curiosity, 让我的毕业论文更偏向医学方向. 最后,博士. Mason functioned as my “pre-health” advisor who continually worked to create opportunities for me to increase my exposure within the medical field in anticipation of my entrance to dental school. 最终, 这三位老师是我在芒特大学取得成功不可或缺的一部分, 我继续想着它们, 以及他们传承下来的宝贵智慧, 在事业上不断进步的每一天.


在我完成学士学位之后, I began working as a student researcher in The Ohio State University College of Dentistry’s Division of Oral Pathology and Radiology. 那年秋天,我开始在俄亥俄州立大学接受牙科培训,以获得博士学位.D.S.


我在Mount Union实习期间做过两次实习. 大二之后的那个夏天, I completed a research internship at NYU in New York City as a part of the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). 实习期间, I worked with researchers as we aimed to develop and test the 3-D printing of surgical scaffolds for the repair of bone defects. Dr. Draves was extremely influential in advocating for me to receive this research opportunity and compiled my recommendation for the internship application.

My second internship was completed the summer after my junior year as I served as a researcher within the University of North Carolina’s School of Dentistry. 在这段经历中, I worked with a team of researchers assessing the viability of salivary biomarkers in monitoring blood glucose in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Boyd-Kimball was an essential part of me securing this research internship and encouraged me to further develop this research as the foundation of my senior thesis.


我在芒特大学的时候, 我参与了Alpha Lambda Delta, 美国化学学会, 学前健康专业俱乐部, 大二学生服务, 蓝钥匙国家荣誉协会, 学生委员会和突袭者救济. 我担任过大二服务和蓝钥匙的主席, 同时也是2011届毕业生的主席. 我们在联合山的时候, 我和Jay Carpenter和Mark McConnell一起工作过, 市场营销教授, 成立了突袭者救援组织.


我于2015年5月获得The Ohio State University的牙科博士学位. I have begun my residency training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to receive my Doctor of Medicine as well as my certificate in oral and maxillofacial surgery.


I left Mount fully confident that the biochemistry and pre-med background I received would equip me to perform well at the next level, but it was the greater exposure I had to various other fields due to the liberal arts education that really substantiated the success I would find after graduating from Mount. Mount Union taught me more than I could have imagined about what it means to truly be an effective leader and the emphasis that must be placed on service back to my academic field and community. These life lessons have remained extremely influential for me as a clinician as I interact with my patients daily, 努力与他们建立联系,尽可能提供最高质量的护理. 


最重要的是,我珍惜在芒特大学期间结交的朋友. 当我们有机会在一起的时候,这些朋友真的变得更像家人了. My friends from Mount have become a continual source of support and encouragement as we watch each other continue to pursue our career ambitions. Nothing makes me happier than seeing all the incredible accomplishments and successes that friends I made while at Mount are enjoying. 它仍然证明了芒特大学“让学生为充实的生活做好准备”的使命, 有意义的工作和负责任的公民.”


I work to stay connected to Mount Union as an alum through many of the networking opportunities I have been fortunate to have had with executive board members and alumni throughout the state and country functioning within the healthcare field. 另外, 大学提供的丰富资源, 例如Mount Union杂志和其他在线资源, 对保持与大学最新动态和发展的紧密联系有很大帮助.


我真的很想建立一个能够在社区内产生持久影响的倡议. 无论是以社区外展计划的形式,还是以更全球性的宣教活动的形式, 我真的感到有一种召唤,要回馈和回报我所得到的难以置信的祝福. 太频繁了, 我认为当我们的生活变得越来越混乱时,我们很容易失去我们最纯粹的动机. My education at Mount helped me to more fully appreciate the gifts and blessings that have been integral in my progress, and I therefore feel it is my responsibility to remain conscious of those in need and whose lives we could irrefutably transform. As I begin the next phase of my career and work to clarify the means by which I can have such a lasting impact, 我仍然渴望有机会与全国各地的其他人合作, 尤其是Mount Union威尼斯人app下载, 利用他们丰富的专业知识, 资源和激情.


My education at Mount has proven to be a fantastic investment as it’s molded me into the leader and clinician that I am today. 芒特大学的老师们真的让我不要只看表面, 并总是问宝贵的“为什么”?” I think it’s that curiosity and drive that my education at Mount emphasized that has proven to be most valuable because it spans all aspects of your life. 我在芒特中学到的经验和智慧不仅适用于我的职业发展, they helped me mature and grow into the citizen the faculty who taught me hoped my classmates and I would become.


病人. 我有机会享受一份让我对他们的生活产生影响的职业. I am forever grateful to Mount Union for developing the core foundation that facilitated my career to get me to this point, 让我每天都能为我的病人提供最高质量的护理.